We are aware that some members – especially those outside the eurozone – find it difficult and expensive to transfer money electronically to EAIP. To make it easier for you to pay your fees we have set up a Paypal facility. Those of you who buy goods and services over the internet will already be familiar with this simple, efficient and secure method of transferring money.

You do not need to have a Paypal account to avail of this facility. Simply log on to, click on the tab “Send money” and follow the simple instructions.

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The money will be deducted from your credit card and you will receive immediate confirmation of the transaction from Paypal. They will notify us by email of the payment.

Click on one of the following buttons to download an application form as a PDF or Word document:
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At the annual general meeting of the EAIP in Athens in October 2004 it was unanimously agreed that EAIP should award it’s own accreditation – the European Certificate of Integrative Psychotherapy (ECIP) This award would be specific to integrative psychotherapy and members are also encouraged to secure the generic certificate (ECP) of the European Association for Psychotherapy.

1. Objectives

The award of the graduate certificate in integrative psychotherapy of the EAIP will further two objectives:

1.1 To support and facilitate the professional identity of the certificate holder as an integrative psychotherapist.

1.2 To protect and enhance the integrity of integrative psychotherapy in Europe.

2. Eligibility

2.1 Members of institutes/training centres that are fully accredited with EAIP and have successfully completed an accredited training programme.

2.2 Members of fully accredited institutes/training centres who are deemed qualified by experience and practice i.e., via grandparenting.

2.3 Members of fully accredited institutes/training centres who are recognised Supervisors and/or Trainers may also be placed on the Register as a Supervisor or Trainer.

3. Application procedure

Members eligible under 2.1 and 2.2 above may apply for the European Certificate of Integrative Psychotherapy (hereafter ECIP) through their training institute which shall:

3.1 Submit to the Registrar the name(s) of a candidate(s) together with a letter of sponsorship confirming their eligibility under 2.1 or 2.2 above.

3.2 A copy of a graduate certificate in integrative psychotherapy if application is made under 2.1 above or a c.v., and outline of professional practice if application is made under 2.2 above

3.3 The sponsoring institute must confirm that the applicant continues to practice as an integrative psychotherapist, and receives appropriate levels of supervision, or practices as a Supervisor and/or Trainer.

3.4 If all the above procedures are satisfactory then the Registrar may confirm agreement and issue the certificate(s).

4. Cost

4.1 The initial cost of the certificate will reflect the production cost of the original award and be set at 75 Euro and thereafter annual renewal is 50 Euro. The initial fee of 75 Euro must be sent with the application. Bank/Paypal details are shown on the application form. Initial registration as a Supervisor is 85 euros (60 euros on renewal) and as a Supervisor and Trainer is 95 euros (75 euros on renewal).

4.2 Renewal will be on an annual basis.

5. Accreditation will normally be suspended if the annual renewal fee is not received within three months of the date of the fee renewal invoice.

6. Every 5 years a certificate holder should satisfy their member institute that they have met the requirements for continued professional development in their country. EAIP will from time to time ask a sample of certificate holders, chosen randomly, to provide evidence that they have met the requirements for cpd relevant to their country. It is a condition of the award that certificate holders concur with this requirement.

7. Certificate holders who are found guilty of serious professional misconduct such as may bring the reputation of EAIP into disrepute and/or are found guilty of a criminal offence may have their certification suspended or terminated by the EAIP Board.

7.1 The EAIP Board will take all reasonable steps to ensure that such a process is conducted in a mature and compassionate manner.

7.2 Any member of the Board who as a conflict of interest will not be a party to the deliberations.

7.3 In certain circumstances (e.g., where the person concerned is an influential member of the EAIP) then the Board may engage a senior member of the profession to attend and scrutinise the deliberations of the Board to ensure the process is conducted with rigour, fairness and humanity.