The EAIP represents and sustains the highest professional standards for the practice of integrative psychotherapy and promotes the recognition of common standards in integrative psychotherapy.  EAIP is an European Wide Accrediting Organization (EWAO), member of EAP (European Association for Psychotherapy), therefore representing integrative psychotherapists at a European level.

Membership in EAIP comes two different categories:

Organisational membership

Organisational members are EAIP accredited training institutes and have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Courses which have successfully completed the accreditation process and have received formal confirmation of their EAIP accredited status may include the words “EAIP Accredited Course” on their publicity material.  Organisational members can apply for the award of ECIP (European Certificate in Integrative Psychotherapy) for their graduates, as a step towards the award of the ECP (European Certificate of Psychotherapy). As an EWAO, the EAIP is also entitled to sign ECP applications for practitioners in their modality.

For the accreditation criteria please refer to the EAIP Training Standards which can be downloaded here.

The organisational membership application can be downloaded in pdf format or word format.


Individual membership

Individual members of the EAIP are individuals who are not members of an accredited EAIP training institute, but have been practicing integrative psychotherapy for at least  five years, and wish to become members of an European-Wide Organization. Individual members are welcome to participate as observers at the EAIP AGM (Annual General Meeting). Individual membership does not grant voting rights at the AGM.

For the membership criteria please refer to the EAIP Individual Membership document which can be downloaded here.

The individual membership application can be downloaded in pdf format or word format.


The membership committtee

Heward Wilkinson- Chair

Oana Maria Popescu- Chair

Panos Asimakis

Maša Zvelc  

Gregor Zvelc

Zofia Milska Wrzosinska

Vesna Hercigonja Novkovic

Milena Karlinska Nehrebeck

Corina Levu

Marine Begashvili